Michael A. Byron, the senior director of supplier inclusion for Walmart Inc., has developed, implemented, and managed a number of successful national supplier diversity initiatives. In 2018, he launched a dedicated innovative online Supplier Inclusion Showcase, which features products of diverse suppliers, enabling them to grow their businesses. He and his team exceeded the national Walmart's Global Women's Economic Empowerment initiative. The initiative set a goal of sourcing $20 billion from U.S. women-owned businesses (WOBs) within five years, and the U.S. goal was exceeded by more than a billion dollars.
Managing direct and indirect diverse spend of $15 billion in 2018, Byron has built a diverse supplier base of more than 2,300 businesses. He utilizes a shared value approach in that doing business with diverse suppliers is viewed as benefitting economies as well as generating value for Walmart. Byron's success strategy is developing long-term relationships with diverse-owned business enterprises and continuously finding new opportunities nationally for diverse suppliers. Byron serves on the boards of WBENC, NMSDC and Open Avenues.