Shelia Morgan is the President and CEO of the Chicago Minority Supplier Development Council (Chicago MSDC). She brought extensive corporate experience to her current position having previously been the Associate Director of Supplier Diversity for Kraft Foods and Manager of Diversity Business Development for Johnson Controls. She has also served as Executive Director of the Chicago Minority Business Opportunity Committee (MBOC) and was instrumental in delivering over 200 million dollars in contracting opportunities to minority entrepreneurs.
Morgan is an inspiring leader at the Chicago MSDC and is always looking for new opportunities. Under her leadership, the Chicago MSDC formed a strategic formal partnership with the Illinois government to increase minority participation in state contracting; she operates the MBDA Chicago, St. Louis and Export Centers and Tollway Program. Morgan tirelessly works to bring economic justice to all minorities which is one of her long-term goals. She oversees the annual Chicago Business Opportunity Fair, a nationally recognized premier business networking event. With her guidance, Morgan’s team holds a variety of topnotch events and programs, like helping minority businesses gain access to the "Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses" program.