Breaking Barriers: 2024 Top 25 Women in Power Impacting Diversity Leading the Diversity Charge

Wells Fargo’s Alison Parker strives for a level playing field for suppliers

One of Alison Parker’s first achievements as a Wells Fargo Sourcing Manager was building and implementing an internal Supply Chain Management team to support managers with all their comprehensive contract hiring needs. One of her primary goals was to provide a true level playing field for all suppliers, no matter their size.

As the Supply Chain Management team at Wells Fargo matures, Alison sees the path to continued success being accomplished through cost avoidance, increasing supplier diversity spend and engagement, and working closely with suppliers to support the workforce generational shift.

Driving technology discussions with managers and suppliers is also a foundation of Alison’s success. Her team implemented a branded technology platform to attract candidates for contractor roles and manages it in partnership with a diverse supplier.

To Alison, being a leader means following best practices like holding consistent conversations with managers, ensuring diverse suppliers are included in all volume hiring, and taking the time to coach diverse suppliers. She believes in taking her team outside of their roles to understand the bigger picture of the organization and put themselves in the supplier’s world.

She is proud of the many partnerships developed with suppliers, managers, and team members to drive success in sourcing and spend with diverse suppliers.

  • Favorite Quote: Life is better when you surround yourself with people whose kindness isn’t a strategy, it’s a way of life. - Case Kenny