Leadership Development

Prioritizing Self-Awareness: The Foundation of Emotional Intelligence for Leaders

AI in the HR world is moving beyond simply automating processes to supporting strategic talent management and workforce planning goals.


HR Strategy

Human Resources and AI: Collaborative Synergy Unleashes Strategic Possibilities

AI in the HR world is moving beyond simply automating processes to supporting strategic talent management and workforce planning goals.


Disability Works

Initiating Inclusive Hiring: Preparing Internally for Disabilities

While local practices have contributed to fragmented accessibility paths in the past, new best practices allow organizations to scale accessibility solutions across physical and digital borders.


Life Coach

Integrating Accredited Training in Workplace Life Coaching: A Crucial Element

Life coaching in the workplace is an empowerment strategy that can help any employee at any level achieve personal and professional goals, but the quality of coaching matters.


Global Invest

Malaysia Joins Asia’s Economic Development Transformation

Foreign direct investment (FDI) has proven to be a strong source of capital for Asian countries, and that includes Malaysia. The country has come a long way since obtaining independence in 1957...

    Digital Transformation

    Digital Transformation

    Using Technology to Reimagine Workplace Culture and Experience

    The most connected generation in the history of business now makes up a significant portion of the workforce. The Millennials bring with them technology skills that far exceed the skills of...