Alyson Danielewicz Integrates Supplier Diversity into the NY Power Authority and NYS Canals Corporation

Alyson Danielewicz is the Supplier Diversity Program Manager for the New York Power Authority (NYPA) and NYS Canals Corporation. She works to educate and prepare diverse entrepreneurs with the business acumen necessary to compete and win contract opportunities. Alyson has launched the organization's small business capacity building, surety bond training, and mentor-protégé programs with over 130 diverse participants in the past year.

In support of NYPA's VISION2030 pillar of digitization, Alyson uses established Key Performance Indicators, procurement data available in the organization's ERP system, and system reporting analytics to identify areas for new business growth and determine how better to serve the diverse businesses in NYPA's supply chain. During 2023, Alyson and the Supplier Diversity team held its first hybrid outreach event, with over 700+ participants, to facilitate in-person relationship building while fostering new connections virtually to highlight NYPA and Canal business opportunities and the available resources to help diverse businesses succeed.

With support from the Board of Trustees and Executive leadership, Alyson is committed to actively contributing to NYPA and Canals, supporting efforts to build a world-class supplier diversity program, and being a recognized supplier diversity leader in the energy utility industry. In addition to supplier diversity, she remains equally committed to supporting DEI activities and projects across the organization.

  • Favorite Quote: We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race. — Kofi Annan