2023 Top 15 Chief Procurement Officers Innovate to Shakeup Status Quo

Barbara Kubicki Strengthens Inclusion of Diverse Suppliers at Wells Fargo

Barbara Kubicki is the Chief Procurement Officer at Wells Fargo, earning the role through a deliberately crafted career path. Her success in a male-dominated field is built on selecting roles over the years in which she could develop professional relationships, a personal brand, and critical skills. Barbara centralized a decentralized Strategic Sourcing organization to improve the consistency of execution of regulatory expectations. A proud achievement was keeping business operations running during the early days of the COVID pandemic. She was challenged to rethink her leadership style, problem-solving techniques, and personal safety. Barbara approaches each situation with a “Just Say Yes” attitude.

Barbara implemented several best practices and programs to drive diverse supply inclusion. All RFx events must include diverse suppliers. She partners with organizations such as WBENC and NMSDC and has developed capacity-building programs for diverse suppliers. They include the Disability:IN Supplier Mentoring Program , the WBENC WeIGNITE executive education program , and Game Changer Program with the Women Business Center of Charlotte. Barbara also supports the organization’s community-wide diversity initiatives. She takes a team approach, collaborates, and empowers her team.

  • Favorite Quote: Life is nothing but a series of experiences. Some are good and some are not. Just remember to learn from them all and enjoy the ride! – Barbara Kubicki