Top 25 Diversity Change Leaders Bravely Disrupt the Status Quo

Christina Morrow Creates Value at Ricoh Through Supplier Inclusion

Christina Morrow, Senior Director of Supplier Relationship Management at Ricoh USA, is championing supplier inclusion through collaboration with key business stakeholders and enabling opportunities to demonstrate that Ricoh’s Supplier Diversity Program is more than Corporate Social Responsibility. With the full support of Ricoh’s senior leadership, Christina is driving a robust supplier diversity program that supports the company’s strategic business goals, aligns to the Ricoh’s Culture of Excellence, and creates customer value.

She partners with key diversity suppliers to sponsor networking events at industry conferences and collaborates with the sales and marketing organizations to increase supplier diversity as part of the selling and business relationship process. Christina mentored and supported the Ricoh team in Japan to launch the company’s Supplier Inclusion Program and policy. She also co-leads the Ricoh Diversity & Inclusion Council and has directly impacted Ricoh’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Favorite Quote: I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. -Maya Angelou