Top 25 Diversity Change Leaders Build a Culture of Intention

Dominique Simpson Milton Develops Intentional Mindset for Diverse Supplier Inclusion at CVMSDC

Dominique Milton serves as the President & Chief Engagement Officer of the Carolinas-Virginia Minority Supplier Development Council (CVMSDC). As an ‘Intentional Connector,’ Milton works to ensure that suppliers and buyers also act with intention. Dominique creates connecting events to foster relationships before RFPs are designed, and she also works to develop suppliers in all categories, so they are supply chain ready. CVMSDC supports four customized developmental programs to meet the needs of every supplier, from start-ups to multi-billion-dollar companies. Like a car needs a tune-up, Dominique encourages MBEs to work on their businesses annually through various developmental and leadership programs. In addition, at each event, Dominique and her team work to provide the most relevant training for their constituents (e.g., Artificial Intelligence (AI), ESG, Cyber Security, Retail Readiness, Succession Planning, Scaling, etc.).

Dominique has created a proactive learning environment to foster the development of opportunities that result in more contracts. She believes in being forward-thinking, so her team started training on AI’s impact on the supply chain and supplier diversity four years ago. Dominique makes sure diverse suppliers understand the relevance of corporate ESG to win RFPs. She works to elevate the CVMSDC voice using economic impact reports and training throughout the corporate supply chain, thus, magnifying results and supporting growth.

  • Favorite Quote: You have to stretch your comfort muscle daily to GROW; Thus, you must act with intentionality to learn something new, meet someone new, share your knowledge and connect people for GROWTH. - Dominique Simpson Milton