Breaking Barriers: 2024 Top 25 Women in Power Impacting Diversity Leading the Diversity Charge

Jennifer Good Integrates Supplier Diversity Best Practices at AAM

Jennifer Good is the Sr. Manager for Supplier Relations, Compliance and Diversity at American Axle & Manufacturing (AAM). When she joined AAM two years ago, the first thing Jennifer did was sign up for the InFuse mentoring program for supplier diversity professionals through the Michigan Minority Supplier Development Council. The program uses four emerging and eight best practices in supplier diversity. Jennifer integrated each practice into AAM, building a foundation for long-term success. Under her leadership, local diversity councils, as well as major customers have recognized the AAM supplier diversity program's commitment to the success of diverse suppliers.

A major challenge in the automotive industry is the ongoing transition from gas to electric vehicles, which has a ripple effect up and down the supply chain. Jennifer added top diverse suppliers to the Top Executive Supplier Champion Program, which is focused on improving supplier relationships with strategic suppliers to promote innovation and ensure diverse suppliers are included in the transition. She attributes the success of the supplier diversity program to top-down leadership making diverse supplier relations a key priority.

  • Favorite Quote: Brave enough to be the light. - Amanda Gorman