2021 Top 25 Diversity Change Leaders Continue Progress in Difficult Times

Marcella McCullough Keeps Nissan’s Supplier Diversity Program Aligned with Corporate Objectives

Marcella McCullough is Senior Manager of Supplier Diversity, Purchasing Strategy, for Nissan North American, Inc. Nissan adapted quickly to the pandemic, by Marcella creating with her Supplier Diversity Manager Ronda Brown-Quarles the organization’s first virtual 2020 Supplier Diversity Matchmaker event, to create networking opportunities for Tier 1 suppliers and commodity specific diverse suppliers. The event received a 98% favorable rating, and it established a new way to maintain momentum and sustain diverse suppliers going forward. Marcella is a member of the Diversity Stakeholders Council, where Supplier Diversity is discussed among functional unit leaders. She is currently focused on establishing a continuous improvement plan to ensure the Supplier Diversity program is aligned with corporate objectives.

Among Marcella’s professional attributes are a pressing drive to get the job done, maintaining a strong network of supplier relationships, and building confidence by promoting trust. She works closely with the buying community and manages multiple leadership reports. Marcella coaches diverse businesses needing capacity building in utilizing strategies like teaming, strategic alliances and joint ventures. Currently, she is a board member on the Southern Region Minority Supplier Development Council.

  • Favorite Quote: Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming — John Wooden