Top 25 Diversity Change Leaders Bravely Disrupt the Status Quo

Marcia Wallace Expands Supplier Diversity Program at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Partnering defines the strategies of Marcia Wallace, Supplier Diversity Program Manager at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), as she works to increase and simplify procurement from local, diverse businesses. She uses her position to meet patient-families, and staff needs through supplier inclusion. One example is the onboarding of a company founded and managed by Muslim women who are respiratory therapists. The company Mawaadda designs and manufactures FDA compliant disposal hijabs as culturally inclusive Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Marcia partnered with a Value Analysis Improvement Advisor colleague to provide culturally conscious attire to support staff and patients. CHOP is the first pediatric hospital to partner with Mawaadda.

Marcia drives change for diverse suppliers in several ways. She oversees the Mentor Protégé Program in which five existing local, diverse suppliers are formally paired with CHOP senior executives. The Mentor Protégé Program demonstrates CHOP’s continued commitment to diverse vendor development and helps to establish authentic connections. Purposeful Conversations Series provides diverse vendors with a high-level overview of how to do business with a large hospital system, the RFP process and networking opportunities. In 2 years, CHOP hosted 34 Pop-Up Shop events, realizing an estimated diverse vendor spend of $40K. CHOP is continually enhancing and expanding an vendor/supplier ecosystem where local, diverse vendors sell their products, test the market, and amplify awareness of their businesses leading to new contracts.

  • Favorite Quote: If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far go together. – African Proverb