Breaking Barriers: 2024 Top 25 Women in Power Impacting Diversity Leading the Diversity Charge

Nicole Wiggins Pursues Continuous Improvement in Supplier Diversity at Navistar

As Navistar's Chief Diversity Officer, Nicole Wiggins fosters a culture of DEI, sets measurable goals, and actively seeks diverse suppliers to provide them with equitable sourcing opportunities. She develops strong collaborations with internal and external stakeholders to increase the Supplier Diversity Program's effectiveness and conducts regular assessments and adjustments based on feedback and evolving industry standards. Her organizational leadership commitment informs the allocation of resources, provides a framework for policy development, and ensures diversity goals are integrated into the overall business strategy.

Nicole believes adaptation is crucial in the face of today’s rapid changes in the supplier community. She embraces emerging technologies, stays abreast of social trends, and adapts to new communication channels, including digital and social media platforms. Nicole leverages technology to develop and maintain effective networking and build relationships in the supplier community. Technologies are also embraced to streamline procurement processes and increase transparency to enhance supplier engagement. Nicole constantly pursues improvement and is committed to staying at the forefront of industry advancements.

  • Favorite Quote: Elevating voices, embracing differences, and fostering inclusion are not just values to uphold but the cornerstones of a thriving and innovative society. Diversity is not only about representation; it's about creating a tapestry where every thread contributes to the strength and beauty of the whole. -Nicole Wiggins