Top 25 Diversity Change Leaders Bravely Disrupt the Status Quo

Síofra Harnett’s Intentional Focus on Strategic Partnership Accelerates Inclusion at Google

Síofra Harnett, Google's Director for Corporate Services, Marketing, and Responsibility, spearheads the company’s Supplier Inclusion teams and its efforts to build a more inclusive supplier base at Google. As part of the team’s efforts, Google’s commitment to accelerate supplier inclusion was made public by Google’s CEO and Google was inducted to the Billion Dollar Roundtable. Síofra’s Supplier Inclusion teams foster an intentional focus on diverse supplier connections and capacity building, ensuring that Google’s relationships with diverse suppliers is strategic and extends beyond the purchase order.

Across Google, Síofra successfully built a network of executive sponsors and champions whose teams drive instrumental partnership and impact. Externally she maintains relationships with national partners, including WBENC, NMSDC, NGLCC, Disability:IN, NVBDC, NaVOBA, in addition to regional and global partners.

Síofra’s industry leadership positions include Board Chair and Presidency of tech:SCALE (the Technology Industry Group), WBENC Board member, Tuck School of Business Diversity Business Programs Advisory Council, NMSDC Supplier Diversity Advisory Council, Supplier Diversity Leadership Council Co-Chair.

  • Favorite Quote: Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. –William Butler Yeats