Shaquanta Locke is the Manger of Supplier Diversity for Volkswagen Group of America. A graduate of the Tennessee State University School of Business, Locke has been instrumental in bringing education, mentoring, and training programs to Volkswagen for the benefit of diverse suppliers. She recently introduced a pilot vendor training program that partnered with local Urban League representatives, in order to provide mentoring opportunities to local minority business enterprises. These opportunities took the form of one day training sessions, intended to help them become familiar with the RFP process that is used internally at Volkswagen.
Being afforded a buyer’s eye view of the entire proposal, bidding, and contracting process can be transformative to the way that small organizations—ordinarily closed off from such practices—do business. Under her mentorship, they learn what organizations such as Volkswagen are thinking throughout the process, helping them anticipate needs, make effective bids, and develop internal strategies to deliver successfully on their contracts with major organizations. The pilot program has been so successful that Shaquanta now hopes to make it a permanent part of Volkswagen diverse supplier outreach programs.
Favorite Quote: “To laugh often and much: To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children..., to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived. This is to have succeeded.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson