2019 Top 25 Women in Power Impacting Diversity Move Supplier Diversity Forward

Victoria Daniels Seeks Cutting-Edge Diverse Businesses for NYPA

As the Manager of Supplier Diversity, Victoria Daniels has oversight of the New York Power Authority (NYPA) and the recently acquired Canal Corporation's supplier diversity programs. After assuming responsibility of a well-established and respected supplier diversity program, she was challenged with introducing new ideas and processes. Not satisfied with the status quo, she has ambitiously set the bar higher seeking to exceed current expectations. Victoria's leadership strengths are in managing challenges and overcoming people's negative perspectives of diversity.

Victoria is proud of NYPA's ability to impact a diverse contracting community by providing procurement opportunities through direct contracting and subcontracting. Her primary strategy is seeking out new and cutting-edge diverse businesses. Her philosophy is that the ability to focus on providing or introducing procurement educational opportunities to diverse communities is directly related to NYPA’s ability to make a positive impact. Victoria's goal is to ensure diverse businesses in different communities are fully equipped to bid and subcontract effectively, regardless of size.

  • Favorite Quote: “No man is an island, no man stands alone, I will defend each man as my brother, each man as my friend.” — Joan Baez