Top 25 Diversity Change Leaders Bravely Disrupt the Status Quo

William Kapfer Takes JPMorganChase Supplier Diversity Global

William Kapfer, Global Head of Supplier Diversity, Community Engagement at JPMorganChase, has been dedicated to making a significant impact on racial equity and ESG for more than a decade. Through his leadership and support of the firm’s Global Supplier Diversity program, a targeted effort to advance inclusiveness in the supply chain and directly impact underserved communities, he has helped to drive the firm’s success in reaching its five-year pledge to spend an additional $750 million with Black-, Hispanic-, and Latino-owned businesses - part of its $30 billion Racial Equity Commitment in 2023, two years ahead of schedule.

Through his work William has fostered connections to support JPMorganChase’s Supplier Sustainability Program, bringing together the firm’s Gold Suppliers, a community of key supply chain partners, including diverse-owned businesses across various industries, with EcoVadis. Through our partnership with EcoVadis, JPMorganChase has driven sustainability assessments, increasing the percentage of Gold Suppliers with a valid EcoVadis scorecard from 41% in January 2024 to 77% by mid-year – an 88% increase.

William cultivates relationships with Line of Business partners, employees, customers, and supplier partners to champion DEI, sustainability, and supplier inclusion, encouraging their deep involvement in Global Supplier Diversity community engagements. He leverages these advocates to create training, resources, and supplier engagement opportunities. William employs relationship building, data and analytics, and dedicated communication that uses storytelling to have a profound impact and galvanize support from various groups.

  • Favorite Quote: Giving back to the community, whether through community service or other means, is the rent we pay for our privilege to live on this earth. –William Kapfer