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go As manager of corporate supplier
diversity, business development
and e-sourcing programs at
American Express, Gladys Lopez
was instrumental in updating
the company’s supplier diversity
policy to incorporate more robust accountability
and reporting requirements in diverse supplier
utilization. In addition, the company integrated
its e-sourcing program with the supplier
diversity initiative to offer a real-time view of
sourcing opportunities. The supplier diversity
team can now quickly assess the sourcing
events and provide buyers with lists of diverse suppliers to include in
bids. It has also established a process to ensure diverse suppliers are
included in sourcing events.
In light of the challenging economic environment, American Express is
undertaking company-wide efforts to reduce expenses. This year, the
company is prioritizing and leveraging relationships with its business
partners. Thanks to its cost-cutting initiatives, it has managed to maintain
the support and funding it requires to participate and attend key national
Favorite Quote
“You are what you repeatedly do.
Excellence is not an event - it is a habit.”
- Aristotle
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