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As director of diversity and supplier
relations at Kellogg, Cathy Kutch and
her team have been instrumental in
reaching $295 million in total diversity
spend at the company last year. While
managing the program, Cathy has
co-chaired the Supplier Diversity Breakfast and
Supply Chain Summit for the last 5 years for the
Michigan Minority Business Development Council.
She has also on the boards of the Michigan Minority
Business Development Council, Michigan Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce and the Woman Enterprise
Council Great Lakes.
Kellogg’s supplier diversity initiative began in the early 1980’s and has grown
from $49 million dollars of spending in 1999 to a goal of $310 million in 2009,
including $80 million in 2nd tier spending. Over the last eight years, the team
has developed programs to enhance diverse supplier value and increase
customer satisfaction by improving relationships while also establishing a
supplier recognition process.
Cathy sees success when her team develops and implements new processes
that demonstrate supplier diversity is becoming embedded in corporate
culture and throughout the entire supply chain.
Favorite Quote
“It’s not enough to aim, you must hit”. It is important to
put processes in place that add value and get results.
Keep evaluating and adjusting events, processes,
strategies to get results.
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