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As the New York Power Authority’s
supplier diversity manager, Debra
J. White guides its efforts to
meet annual W/MBE participation
goals. The Power Authority has
maintained a 15-year streak of
meeting or exceeding annual supplier diversity
participation goals.
Supplier diversity programs are an integral part
of business planning at the authority. Being
instrumental in the creation and implementation
of the many policies and programs that have
developed into the authority’s award-winning
supplier diversity program is a feat White is especially proud of.
White hopes to continue to use her expertise to build on the continued
success of the Power Authority’s supplier diversity program. The program
combines longevity from many years of experience in supplier diversity
with the flexibility to offer new solutions to traditional business practices.
Embracing the concept of supplier diversity is a first step in addressing
the challenge, but having the program become part of corporate strategy
is paramount to its success.
Favorite Quote
“There are two ways of exerting one’s
strength; one is pushing down, the other
is pulling up.” - Booker T. Washington
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