Denise R. Thomas

Director, Corporate Supplier Diversity <br /> Kroger

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As director of corporate supplier diversity at Kroger, Denise R. Thomas is responsible for managing all aspects of the company’s supplier diversity program. Combined first- and second- tier M/WBE expenditures were $1.437 billion in 2008. Kroger’s achievements were recognized industry-wide when it was inducted into the Billion Dollar Roundtable in 2007.

In the current economic climate, Kroger continues to look at ways to drive costs out of its business. One challenge is to continue identifying diverse suppliers that will help it achieve this goal while assisting it to capture and retain the loyalty of the diverse customers it serves.

The goal of Kroger’s supplier diversity program is to engage M/WBEs in all aspects of Kroger’s business. To achieve these aims, Thomas facilitates a number of diversity training classes for Kroger associates and is extremely active in W/MBE business development.

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“The goal of the supplier diversity program is to engage minorityowned business enterprises and women-owned business enterprises in all aspects of Kroger’s business.”

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