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australia As supplier diversity program
manager for Northrop Grumman,
Charles W. Mason is responsible
for ensuring that small businesses
have the opportunity to compete to
supply the company with materials
and services. Under his watch, the company has
achieved all its customers’ supplier diversity
goals over the last two years.
Despite the economic downturn, the company has
persisted in making progress in supplier diversity,
setting aggressive goals, reviewing upcoming
procurements, monitoring the progress toward achieving its goals and
working with its buying offices on a monthly basis on performance. Mason
seeks to enhance opportunities for diverse firms to grow their spend and
for their educational opportunities, as well as providing mentorship to
suppliers in their areas of need.
Outside of office, Mason has served as chairman of the NMSDC
chairperson’s committee, as well as chairman of the Virginia Minority
Supplier Development Council, winning an NMSDC Council of the Year
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“To whom much is given,
much is required”
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