Tanya Allen Easter

Manager, Supplier Diversity and Small Business Programs <br /> Chevron


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As manager of supplier diversity and small business programs at Chevron, Tanya Allen Easter helped drive $965 million with certified minority and women owned businesses in 2008. Over the past five years, Chevron’s US spend has increased significantly due to new capital projects such as refinery expansions.

While Chevron’s sourcing efforts have included small businesses and W/MBEs for technical services, they are looking for more opportunities to source businesses that provide core equipment and services. To address this shortfall, Chevron participates in matchmaker meetings with local NMSDC, WBENC and Small Business Administration offices and advocacy organizations. In addition, it participates in the NMSDC Petrochemical Industry Group, where one of its goals is to continually search for W/MBEs that can supply core goods and services. Allen Easter also serves as chair of this group.

In 2008, Chevron hosted supplier forums and diversity fairs in its Houston,Tx. and San Ramon,Ca. locations, attracting more than 150 suppliers as a means to increase its second-tier efforts.

Favorite Quote

“It’s not about trophies and awards. It’s the joy of seeing a small, minority and woman-owned business evolve into greatness. That’s what drives me.”

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