Veronica Manuel-Gilbert

Corporate Manager, Supplier Diversity <br /> Johnson & Johnson

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As corporate manager of supplier diversity at Johnson & Johnson, Veronica Manuel-Gilbert helped implement a data-based approach to advance the company’s supplier diversity goals. It took over a year to sort and correct the data, but Johnson & Johnson now has clear goals for every operating company and category of spend. As a result, after the first year, the company posted a 16% growth in collective spend with W/MBEs, a record increase of $120 million additional spend in 2008 vs. 2% growth the previous year.

Manuel-Gilbert is proudest of Johnson & Johnson’s steadfast commitment to its Credo. Through focused partnerships and efforts, it has helped several W/MBE suppliers double and triple in size. Despite current economic constraints, the company’s leadership has maintained and expanded sponsorship of key advocacy groups that help to develop W/MBEs. It has also expanded supplier diversity efforts to include offering Johnson & Johnson enterprise-wide programs, including free certification training classes.

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